Hi folks,
I'm Oz...the assistant leader for this, the greatest Andes and Amazon expedition ever to have headed to Peru :). As my first venture to South America, I'm VERY excited abot the whole experience and very much looking forward to Machu Picchu!!! in fact can't wait to do everything set out on this itinerary.
So a little about me...I actually work as the Independent Expeditions Sales Manager and amazing to be taking one of my teams away...Lizzie (whom you all know - the oracle as I call her) has already pointed out that she is jealous but it was my turn this summer so happy days.
A couple of random facts...I talk A LOT as you might remember if you've ever spoken to me and I used to smoke 30 a day before I stopped in September...best advice was realising how much better I felt oh the silly amount of money I saved :)
Top tip for travelling...always smile when you meet people and try local food where possible - Peru looking forward to guinea pig :)